a black and white photo. Half of the photo is a dogs head and the other half is a cows.
Be Kind to Animals!
When going cruelty free, the key thing to remember is BALANCE. Balance between eating healthy & organic foods that come from the earth, exercising, being out in nature, and eating sweet vegan treats. Think about your happiness and health, and the happiness and health of others.

Quick and Easy Vegan Recipes

Coconut Banana Pancakes: mash up one banana and then mix that up with one cup flour, one third cup coconut flour, one half cup coconut milk, one teaspoon vanilla, and one teaspoon baking powder, then pour into a pan, cook, and enjoy!

Carrot Cranberry Oatmeal: combine one fourth cup steel cut oats, one grated carrot, some cranberries, and one cup almond milk. Shake it up a little in a glass jar and let it sit overnight. The next morning pour the mixture into a pan and heat up with one fourth cup almond milk, some cinnamon, and a teaspoon vanilla. Afterwards whatever toppings your heart desires, more cinnamon and some cashews are always a tasty choice!

Cereal: choose your favorite natural cereal or granola, add rice milk and fruit/ dates/ nut butter/ or just eat it plain!

A field of sunflowers. The sunflowers are bright yellow, and in abundence.

Yam and Rice: spread coconut oil over the yam and bake it for forty five minutes @ 450 degrees. Then make your favorite grain (brown rice, quinoa, farro, etc.) and add beans (I suggest black beans), corn, and cilantro. Cut the yam a little so that there is a gap, put the grain/beans/corn and cilantro into it and eat!

Sushi Bowl: cook rice and add fresh carrots, avocado, roasted sesame seeds, seaweed and your choice of braggs amino acid, soy sauce, or even peanut sauce.

Rice and Lentils: cook rice and lentils, then combine and consume! You could also add sauteed onions and/or salad.

Jar Salad: add greens, extra veggies, and then grains. Put the dressing in a separate container and mix all together when ready to eat!

Wrap: spread hummus on half of a tortilla, add lettuce, avocado, carrots, bell pepper, and whatever else you fancy!

A foggy forest, green bushes and tall trees, enveloped by clouds. Mysterious.

Banana Ice Cream: first you need to a freeze banana. Then cut up the banana and add three fourths of a cup of soy milk, a tablespoon of peanut butter, about a tablespoon of hazelnut-chocolate spread, and a few icecubes. Blend in a blender and add coconut shreds on top!

A Chocolate and Peanut Butter Treat: put melted chocolate in a cupcake liner, add peanut butter, and then one more layer of melted chocolate. Then freeze until hardened, and devour the marvelous taste of peanut butter in chocolate!

A Smoothie: add rice milk/ fruit/ greens/ spirulina/ ice/ or whatever you feel like really then blend and drink the delicious drink! *Also great for breakfast or as a snack!

A creek. Fallen leaves and colorful trees surrond it.

Hummus and Veggies: choose your favorite hummus or make your own and dip veggies: peppers, celery, carrots, broccoli , cauliflower, cucumber or even crackers!

Nuts or dried fruit are always tasty.

Chips and salsa/guacamole is great.

Berries and fruit or ANY VEGETABLES are fantastic snacks.

Pretzels and peanut butter are delicious.

The beach. It is foggy up on the hill where there are trees.

Great Tips

Moving Facts

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