Moving Facts

Here is a list of suprising and informative facts:

A black and white photos of a sheep in a field. Text that says 'I;m not an ingredient' A black and white drawing of a cows head. Text says 'Not your mom, not your milk' A pyramid of different species, with a human at the top, entitled EGO. A circle with different species, everyone together, entitled ECO. A line drawing of a pig, underneath in cursive-like writing it says 'Friends not food' A black and white drawing of a cow, that says 'Death for no reason is murder'

Works Cited

Anderson, Kip & Kuhn Keegan . "The Facts." COWSPIRACY. A.U.M. Films & Media. Web. 26 May 2016.

Simon, David. "10 Things I Wish All Americans Knew About the Meat and Dairy Industries." Forks Over Knives. 30 Sept. 2014. Web. 26 May 2016.

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